The school organized many Co-curricular and extracurricular activities to help

Children channelize their youthful energy & to guide enthusiasm and their young

Minds to creative pursuits and to develop diverse talents :-

  • Stage Activities:- Dramatics, elocution, quiz debate, pantomime, song and dance

(classical, modern and folk)

  • Music instrumental:- Keyboard, Harmonium, Guitar, Tabla, Flute, Drum.
  • Vacal: Modern, Classical, Fold and Pop.
  • Art and Craft:- Fine Art, Painting, paper cutting paper Mache work.
  • Games and Sports:-Indoor and outdoor game facilities are provided within the

School premises along with intra and inter school competition.

  • Exhibition & seminar :- School conducts science exhibition and seminars on

Different subjects.


  • The students are strictly directed to be punctual and in the prescribed school uniform only.
  • The attendance of the students must not be less than 75  of the total classes run.
  • Guardian’s/ Father’s consent must be produced to the office before any kind of leave which

Is applied for.

  • For long leave from the school, prior consent of the principal is must.
  • Absence on the day of kind of academic importance without prior permission of the

principal will be taken against the academic discipline.

  • Guardian’s/Father’s consent must be produced to the other before any kind of leave, which

is applied for.

  • Students are strictly directed to follow the Reporting Time in the premises.


The school has some disciplinary regulations to be followed by the student’s and guardian for the

Smooth functioning of the school and betterment of the students.